Mental welbeing
The goal of Assisting lives is to improve the lives of those we serve by recognising that mental health can affect anyone at any moment. We take a holistic approach and collaborate with all the specialists handling your care and assistance to forge fruitful connections. In addition to enrolling in Mental Health L2 as part of staff induction, management staff has over 60 years of combined experience working with individuals suffering from a variety of mental health conditions, including GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), Bipolar disorder, personality disorders, and many more.We aim to reduce or prevent anti-social or offending behaviours with support and adjustments that are reasonable, and we will collaborate with health and care services that are available when people who pose a risk to themselves and others in the community. We will develop positive strategies, develop a PBS plan (Positive Behavior Support) where necessary, and create an individual tailored support plan.When a person has a mental health illness, they may exhibit challenging behaviours like:playing up aggressiveness or destructive behaviour (that may not be related to mental health) Some people may have a particular neurodevelopmental syndrome where they are more likely to exhibit risky behaviours that put themselves or others in danger, such as acting aggressively or sexually inappropriately. These behaviours could result in police involvement, criminal charges, court appearances, and the possibility of being detained under the Mental Health Act.
The persons involved frequently lack assistance or have slipped through the cracks, going unnoticed by medical professionals. They may also originate from disadvantaged or difficult homes where substance abuse has occurred.
The philosophy of Assisting lives is one of empowerment and encouragement, putting wellbeing first.and is always customer-focused. Our emphasis will be on social inclusion and community interaction, which are helpful and developmentally beneficial activities. We will promote and assist people in taking responsibility. Only employees will be paired with someone who has some understanding of mental health.